Link won’t open? Frustrated? Solutions below!

A couple of folks have been in touch with me to say “Hey…I’m pretty sure you took some great shots on the weekend but this stupid link to the Google document contact sheet doesn’t work.”
First, let me get right out in front of this with a heartfelt SORRY. NOTHING is more frustrating that being told something will work, expecting it to work, and finding that it doesn’t work. That it works for me is about as helpful in the overall scheme of this as a screen door on a submarine.

One reason it may not work is firewalls. If you were trying to pop open those docs from your work computer, there’s a better than average chance that your company’s firewall software, which dictates what sites you can access online, is the problem. My husband cannot access Google documents via link from his work computer. He can’t even access this site, and there’s no gambling or sexy stuff (well, maybe the wrestler) on here or anything! His company’s firewall is extreme but maybe your’s is too.

I can’t help you with your firewall, other than suggest you browse from your home computer, but I am trying to do a few things to improve access.

Number one: I’ve changed the setting on the link so that, in theory, they are searchable on the web. I don’t know if this will help but maybe my opening access to the widest possible point your computer or mobile device with open it more easily. Also, try it twice. Even on my own mobile, I had to make two attempts but the second worked fine.

Number two: I can mail you copy of the contact sheet, the document itself, but it’s a big galoot of a file and unless you’re on Gmail or another service that can handle massive files, your email will reject it. These documents are HUGE, between 6 and 11 MB each. Some people have received them successfully though, we can always give it a try 🙂

If I do mail it and it does get through:

  1. Open and save a copy to your computer IMMEDIATELY.
  2. Delete the mail it came in.
  3. Empty your deteled items.
  4. If you forwarded it to a friend, deleted it from your sent items then empty your deleted items.

You want it OUT of your inbox ASAP. Most mailboxes have a limit on how much stuff you can have and with this sitting in there, other mail may not be able to come through.

To make it easier to find contact sheets in the future, I’m going to put up a contact sheet page on the site. All the link will be listed there by event. No more having to hunt through posts. Thanks to all who made the suggestion. Duly noted, it will be done.

This entry was posted in Ag + Rodeo.

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